
By completing homework students can begin to take responsibility for their learning.  Homework will not be graded, but it will be given a score for completion.  


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Social Studies          

*Please check the table above for homework.  The homework page will be updated on daily basis before 4:00pm.  If you have any questions in regards to homework feel free to contact me!



Tests will be graded.  Spelling tests will occur every Friday.  Tests in other subjects are given when each unit is completed.  Tests will be graded within the week.  


Students grades will be updated at the end of each week.  In order to check grades go to, www.mygradebook.com.  Each student is given a login and password to check their grades.

 Data Collection: Student grades will be determined through a variety of areas.  Homework is given a completion grade.  In class tests are graded by the grade scale listed below.  Students will recieve percentages based on grades recieved on tests and in class projects.  Throughout the year, students will choose items for their student portfolio.  Students are encouraged to include pieces of work that show progress.  

Grading Scale 

O  Outstanding
S   Satisfactory
S-  Needs some help
N  Below grade level
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
68-Below F